
The Acadia Community Farm grows delicious organic produce with the help of dedicated community gardeners, students, staff and volunteers. As a largely volunteer initiative, the Acadia Farm is always looking for new volunteers to join the team. No experience, only enthusiasm is necessary!

Farm Photo

Students can contact us anytime or sign-up on ASU Club Night held each September in the Student Union Building.

Community gardeners volunteer 6 hours during the season in exchange for their free garden plot. This helps us to grow the large university and food bank gardens.

Volunteers are involved in all aspects of the farm operation. Activities include:

  • Planting
  • Watering
  • Weeding
  • Mulching
  • Harvesting
  • Spring clean-up and fall-prep
  • Events and much more

Volunteer work parties are scheduled throughout the week during the operating season. Plot holders and volunteers can drop in for all or part of these sessions at their convenience to work with the Farm Coordinators. Weather permitting, volunteer sessions are scheduled as follows for spring/summer 2023:

MONDAY: 1pm-4pm
WEDNESDAY: 6:30pm-8:30pm
FRIDAY: 8:30am-12pm

Contact us to learn more.